College Committees

Grizzly College of Education generates enormous amounts of plastic waste, which is toxic to people and the environment, and never goes away. Plastics are a hazardous element in society posing a major threat to the livelihood of Mankind and others in the world. The environment is getting polluted at the never-before-pace sparing no mediums due to plastics. So it is becoming a key responsibility of every citizen of our country not just to "Say No to Plastics" but also to create awareness among the community as a whole to stop this pollution and leave behind a green and pollution-free place for our future generations. Plastic-Free Campus, PFC is dedicated to helping schools fight single-use plastic pollution worldwide. PFC helps schools make a difference for the environment, social justice, and our health Implementation and Compliance • The college deploys a team of GREEN WARRIORS for the mission comprising faculty advisors who ensure the Planning and implementation of this Phase-wise Plastic ban on the campus. • They thoroughly monitor the implementation of the ban and meet frequently to assess & discuss the extent of the ban. • They also prepare the agenda for the next phase of ban implementation. • College management is responsible for ensuring that the necessary facilities and procedures are in place to enable implementation of the policy, with support from the Purchase Committee, Committee on Catering, and others. • The Committee will be responsible for ensuring that restricted items are not sold or distributed in catering outlets, vending machines, or retail outlets on campus. • The Committee will also be responsible for ensuring that catering and retail outlets will use eco-friendly materials for their packing or serving of food & beverages. • Awareness & Campaigns: • The Green Warriors also carry out awareness drives and sensitizing workshops on the harmful impacts of single use plastics among the Students and Staff to encourage the following: • Every student strives to make his/her household plastic free. • Students to be incentivized to carry out similar campaigns at the community level • Installation of necessary alternative facilities like water units to avoid the purchase and use of plastic water bottles. • Ensure the presence of alternative solutions like cloth bags etc., to plastic bottles, covers, and other goods on campuses. • Conducting events and poster competitions etc. on designing ecological and environment-friendly goods to minimize the use of single use plastic

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